Twilight theme in Datagridcolumn header customization


im using twilight theme user control. have datagrid in contains 4 columns. 3 columns datagridtextcolumn , datagridtempplatecolumn. template column contains checkboxes. want keep check in header of templatecheckbox column selectall/uncheckall provision.  i created datagridcustom header style show checkbox. problem is, im loosing twlight datagrid header style. can 1 provideme twilight datagrid headerstyle . tried in source code. no luck. please provide twlight background , rounded on top of control.


hi ,

i able solve problem . here style datagrid header twilight theme.

<style targettype="prim:datagridcolumnheader" x:key


<!--<setter property="foreground" value="#ff000000" />-->

<setter property="istabstop" value

="false" />

<setter property="separatorbrush" value

="#dfe3e6" />

<setter property




<controltemplate targettype


<grid name="root" horizontalalignment="stretch" margin="0" height="26" width="auto" verticalalignment




<rowdefinition height="50*"


<rowdefinition height

="50*" />





<columndefinition width="75*"></columndefinition


<columndefinition width="2"></columndefinition




<border grid.columnspan="2" margin="0" x:name


grid.rowspan="2" opacity




<lineargradientbrush endpoint="0.5,1.4" startpoint


<gradientstop color="{staticresource primarycolor}" offset

="0.75" />

<gradientstop color="{staticresource secondarycolor}" offset

="1" />







<border margin="1,1,1,0" cornerradius="4,4,40,40" x:name="highlight" grid.columnspan="2" opacity="0.8" rendertransformorigin










<scaletransform centerx="0.5" centery="0.5" scalex="1.25" scaley

="2" />

<translatetransform y

="-0.6" />





<gradientstop color="#bfffffff" offset

="0" />

<gradientstop color="#4cffffff" offset

="1" />







<checkbox x:name="headercheckbox" padding="5,0,10,0" grid.column="0" verticalalignment="center" content

="select all"

grid.rowspan="2" ></checkbox


<rectangle name="verticalseparator" grid.column="1" grid.rowspan="2" width="1" verticalalignment="stretch"

fill="{templatebinding separatorbrush


visibility="{templatebinding separatorvisibility

}" />











Silverlight  >  Silverlight Controls and Silverlight Toolkit


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