How do you call a method inside that same method???

this code:

private sub expandalltreeviewitems(currenttreeviewitem treeviewitem)
if not currenttreeviewitem.isexpanded then
currenttreeviewitem.isexpanded = true
currenttreeviewitem.dispatcher.begininvoke(function() expandalltreeviewitems(currenttreeviewitem))
integer = 0 currenttreeviewitem.items.count - 1
dim child treeviewitem = directcast(currenttreeviewitem.itemcontainergenerator.containerfromindex(i), treeviewitem)
end if
end sub

this troubled line:

currenttreeviewitem.dispatcher.begininvoke(function() expandalltreeviewitems(currenttreeviewitem))

when try use throws error saying "expression not produce value"

can please tell me doing wrong.

thank you


you try use recursion.
recursion occurs when method calls itself. recursive functions need special stop conditions. otherwise infinitely continue calling themselves. byref keyword, provide way stop recursive function.

for more information recursion,please see links below:

best regards,

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